
Cause , Prevention and symptoms of Hiccups (synchronous diaphragmatic flutter)

Hiccups is due to the incoming air is stopped when the glottis closed suddenly. This will cause the sound of hiccups. It is also known as synchronous diaphragmatic flutter.

Hiccups is not normal but it continue more than 2 hours then you want to see a doctor.

This is due to the below reasons.

·        Alcohol drinking continuously
·        Continuous smoking
·        Stuffed Stomach
·        Eating spicy foods and eating quickly
·        A quick change in Room temperature
·        Drinking hot and cool together.
-         Drinking carbonate drinks like Pepsi, cola etc. 

In order to above reason there are so many other reason for long lasting hiccups

·        Because of gastric problems
·        Some diseases like Asma, Pleurisy
·        Some nerves also irritating and this will cause the hiccups 

Prevention Method

·         Drink two or three glass of cold water continuously.
·          Blow the balloon or paper bag strongly.
·         Eat the food in regular intervals even small snack also ok.
·         Eat slowly don’t eat quickly
·         While eating avoid talking
·         Avoid sleeping after eating. Take a small walk and sleep.

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